Be active & healthy

Soccer is a fun activity that helps kids stay active. With physical activity comes many health benefits like muscular development, but it’s also important for kids to learn motor skills like coordination and balance, which can help them not get hurt.
“By playing football, we keep ourselves in good health”

Football unites

Young and old visitors, girls and boys can play football in our new facilities. They will have fun, exercise and spend family moments. Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity in Villa Victory Mini Soccer Club

mini soccer

Fun and interesting
Learning easy soccer skills will challenge and stimulate children to become more involved in what are essentially fun activities. The simple acts of kicking and trapping combined with the team aspects of soccer make it fun and entertaining. The young child will be challenged to perfect simple motor skills while also engaging with others to achieve a common goal.
Soccer can be adapted to meet different developmental levels and set challenges to engage children
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